An effective layered sound insulator that will also block low frequencies. Used in applications such as the engine compartments of vessels and vehicles, compressors and aggregates.
The product meets the requirements of the recreational craft directive 94/25/EC and the requirements of EN ISO 9094-1:2003, RSD Guidelines, ISO 4589, ISO 3795 and FMVSS 302, meaning that the product is self-extinguishing. The product can therefore be used as sound insulation in vehicles and engine compartments of CE approved recreational crafts.
+358 207 401 360
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Meluton was founded in a barn on the outskirts of Helsinki back in 1977. The first flame lamination solutions were designed to reduce noise, so the company was named Meluton, meaning Noiseless in Finnish. And that’s still our soundproof promise of our noise cancellation solutions.