No material left behind

We here at Meluton aim for a functioning circular economy. Which means taking steps constantly towards a world built with more sustainable materials than before. Whatever the material might be, we always make the most of it with minimum waste.

And that, my friend, is an upright promise right there.

Learn about our eco-friendly materials
We are NATO AQAP 2110 certified company
We are NATO AQAP 2110 certified company
No material left behind

We are the creators of the comfort zone

Whether the aim is to adjust noise or heat in your solutions - we happen to know a thing or two about it. Building bearable & beyond, our team has the knowhow of combining different materials with one another. Always striving for an outcome that far exceeds what we started with.


Meluton was founded in a barn on the outskirts of Helsinki back in 1977. The first flame lamination solutions were designed to reduce noise, so the company was named Meluton, meaning Noiseless in Finnish. And that’s still our soundproof promise of our noise cancellation solutions.
